Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Context (CSAC)
Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Context (CSAC) is a multidisciplinary international journal that publishes papers on children’s development in diverse social and cultural contexts in Asia Pacific region.
CSAC’s paramount aim is to examine biological, emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural development of children; the role of social and cultural contexts, such as family, educare setting, school, and community, in children’s development; the interaction between development and context; and its theoretical and practical implications, including social policies for children. The journal is published biannually in February and August.
Basic Journal Information
- e-ISSN: 2288-601X | Frequency Semi Annual (2 Issues Per Year) | Nature: Online | Language of Publication: English | Article Processing Charges: 200 USD
- Coverage Areas: Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Context (CSAC) intends to focus on advances in the following sub-domains:
- Biological, Emotional, Cognitive, Social, and Cultural Development of Children;
- Role of Social and Cultural Contexts, such as Family, Educare Setting, School, and Community, in Children’s Development;
- Interaction between Development and Context;
- Theoretical and Practical Implications, Including Social Policies for Children;
- Types of Papers: The Journal accepts the following categories of papers:
- Original research
- Position papers/review papers
- Short-papers (with well-defined ideas, but lacking research results or having preliminary results)
- Technology Discussion/Overview Papers
- Peer Review Process: All submitted papers are subjected to a comprehensive blind review process by at least 2 subject area experts, who judge the paper on its relevance, originality, clarity of presentation and significance. The review process is expected to take 8-12 weeks at the end of which the final review decision is communicated to the author. In case of rejection authors will get helpful comments to improve the paper for resubmission to other journals. The journal may accept revised papers as new papers which will go through a new review cycle.
- Periodicity: The Journal is published in 2 issues per year.
- Geographical Distribution of Authors: India, Iraq, Malaysia, China, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Mexico, Indonesia, Bhutan, Peru, Taiwan, Jordon
- Editorial Geogrphical Distribution: India, USA, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordon
- Editorial Contribution Percentage in Articles Per Year: 30%