About regularities of distribution, conditional position and division of quaternary deposits of southwestern uzbekistan.

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Irgashev Yuldash Irgashevich, Isomatov Yusuf Pulatovich, Akhmedov Mukhammadzhakhongir Kidirbaevich


The article discusses the main issues of methodological principles of soil science and Quaternary geology about the dependence of the geotechnical features of rocks on their genesis and age. Specifying this position, it should be noted, that these two geological factors primarily determine the composition and regularities of the structure of rock strata and, as a result, in many respects, the features of the arrays composed by them. It is noted, that the influence of the genesis of Quaternary rocks is clearly manifested in the composition and structure of such seemingly homogeneous loess rocks, the engineering and geological properties of which are variable in small areas. The second very important from an engineering-geological point of view is the parameter is the age of the sediments, which predetermines the structure of their sequences and has a great influence on the formation of engineering-geological properties.

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